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Hawkthorn weighs Shan Ligong, the fruit of large Chinese hawthorn again, also pomegranate of gradations marked on the beam of a steelyard, breed has a bit red, Yin Gong two kinds. Qing Dynasty is acting, port east the hawkthorn that one be...
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Ginger of Lai overgrown with weeds crops the history long, in year period already be current helps advance somebody's career, according to already having 2000 old histories today. In " the analects of confucius " , " Qi Min wants art " ,...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0  
White skin garlic
Lai overgrown with weeds helps advance somebody's career garlic history is long, cultivated garlic area to already amounted to 1400 mus 1935. Current, garlic cultivates an area to be in every year 100 thousand mus of above, crop 150 t...
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The horse steps lotus root of lake white lotus
White lotus lotus root is the coronal that the horse steps the special local product in the lake. Complete lake has lotus root field nearly 4000 mus, white lotus lotus root is spring the Zhi Yang after warming, make lotus root 67 months, a...
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King village yellow rice or millet wine
King village yellow rice or millet wine is main it is raw material with handpick red Gu Mi, ferment with the special method that make old brew and become. Wine fluid shows palm Brown, odour pleasant is sweet aromatic, full-bodied and do...
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Zhang Zhuang pomegranate
Zhang Zhuang pomegranate helps advance somebody's career the history 600 one's remaining years, the area is big more than mus 8000. Big flavour of fruit of big green skin is sweet, be able to bear or endure lay aside carry, sell as far...
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Jujube of Xue city winter
The person above average in fruit, from fructification cent is smooth circle model with oblate dash forward arris two kinds, fructification of circle winter jujube is smooth, pulp is fragile sweet; Oblate dash forward fructification of...
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Pomegranate leaf tea
Pomegranate leaf tea It is a kind of when beauty spot of garden of pomegranate of a unit of dry measure for grain of village of Shandong province jujube develops new-style tea, it is raw material with pomegranate tender leaf, apply the mo...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0